Connector Tool / Outil de connexion

Helping employers build an inclusive workforce

Welcome to THRC’s Connector Tool, an online database of organizations and information that can help employers build more inclusive workplaces for people with disabilities.

Search by keyword, location where support is needed, language you would like the support offered in (French or English) and type of support you are interested in.


Help us build this database. If you have read a report, used a tool or connect with an organization that has helped you, share it with THRC and we can add it to the database [email protected]





Bienvenue à l’outil de connexion de RHCC, une base de données en ligne d’organisations et d’information pouvant aider les employeurs à bâtir des milieux de travail plus inclusifs pour les personnes handicapées.


Vous pouvez faire une recherche par mot clé ou emplacement pertinent à la ressource de soutien, par langue (français ou anglais) dans laquelle est offerte la ressource qui vous intéresse ainsi que par type de ressource de soutien.


Aidez-nous à bâtir cette base de données. Si vous avez lu un rapport, utilisé un outil ou a été en contact avec une organisation qui vous a aidé, partagez cette information avec RHCC afin que nous puissions l’ajouter à cette base de données. [email protected]

  • Language / Langue

  • Location / Emplacement

  • Type of Support / Type de soutien


Guide de planification de réunions inclusive


Le but de ce guide est d’aider les planificateurs à apprendre à organiser des réunions inclusives et à faire de l’inclusivité un volet permanent de toute réunion, quel qu’en soit l’auditoire.


Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings


This Government of Canada resource helps managers learn to organize meetings that are inclusive.


Audiocast: Ableism and Discrimination Based on Disability


Produced by the Ontario Human Rights Commission – this 20-minute audiocast provides an update on disability law and an overview of how to identify, prevent and address workplace disability-related discrimination.




An online curated selection of articles on education, skills, counselling, employment and the workforce (incl. persons with disabilities) from a variety of publications.


Preventing Discrimination Based on Mental Health and Addiction Disabilities


Published by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, this report helps employers understand mental health and addiction and how they can take steps to address negative attitudes, stereotypes and stigma to eliminate discriminatory behaviour toward people with mental health disabilities or addictions.


Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)


This resource provides an overview of AODA’s Employment Standard and links to resources related to satisfying the standard’s requirements.


Employers’ Lessons Learned in Hiring, Retaining and Advancing Employees with Disabilities


Published by Public Policy Forum, this report synthesizes findings from research and roundtables about organizational inclusion of employees with disabilities.


Optez pour le talent


Une trousse à outils gratuite pour les employeurs, qui offre plus de 50 modules qui couvrent un éventail de thèmes tels que des conseils pratiques et des stratégies pour avoir du succès en matière de recrutement, d’embauche, d’inclusion et de rétention de personnes handicapées, les enjeux juridiques et les tendances du marché.


Hire For Talent


A free Employer Toolkit offers 50 + modules that cover a range of topics including: practical tips and strategies for successful recruitment, hiring, inclusion and retention of people with disabilities, legal requirements and market trends.


Mental Health Works (MHW)


An expansive list of guides, tools and information for employers interested in learning and understanding more about mental health and managing accommodations in the workplace.