The Employee Learning Module

This self-paced learning module will help employees in federally regulated workplaces learn more about workplace harassment and violence basics, review what employees need to know about new rules and procedures related to workplace harassment and violence, and provide more information on how complaints can be resolved.

The course will help employees:

  • Recognize the importance of workplace harassment and violence prevention
  • Understand how to identify, prevent, and respond to workplace harassment and violence
  • Interpret new changes to the law from the employee perspective, including the responsibilities of the employer
  • Review the relationship between harassment and violence and prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act
  • Understand what factors can increase their risk of experiencing harassment and violence at work
  • Review the process to report and respond to incidents of workplace harassment and violence, including how the complaint process works
  • Recognize support options following an incident of workplace harassment and violence

This course takes approximately one hour to complete. Individuals who complete this course will receive a certificate. THRC will maintain a confidential database that can help employers keep track of training completion.

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