A new year brings new rules for trucking and logistics employers

A new year brings new rules for trucking and logistics employers

Craig Faucette

The beginning of the year has brought on a new set of changes that federally regulated employers will need to be aware of. These recent amendments to the Canada Labour Code include new standards for leaves of absence, occupational health and safety requirements and pay equity. As we roll into 2022 let’s take a closer look at these rules and some of the resources that can help trucking and logistics organizations prepare.

Bill C-3

Bill C-3 amends the Canada Labour Code to expand paid sick days and bereavement leave. Though the bill was passed in December 2021, there has been no announcement about when the new provisions will take effect. The goal is to give employers time to adjust their company policies and payroll.

Paid sick days: Employees will be entitled to three paid sick days after 30 days on the job, and one day paid sick leave per month of employment up to a maximum of 10 days per calendar year. Employers must pay the usual wage when sick days are taken.

Sick leave can be taken all at once or in shorter amounts, but employers can require that each period of leave is not less than one day. Also, employers can request a medical note for absences of five consecutive days or more. This request must be made no later than 15 days after an employee has come back to work.

Bereavement leave: An employee experiencing the death of an immediate family member is eligible for up to 10 days of leave (3 of which are paid if the employee has worked more than 30 days) between the day a death occurs and six weeks after any type of memorial service.

Death of a child: If the family member is a child, the employee is eligible for an unpaid leave up to eight weeks. This leave must be taken during a period that starts with the death or stillbirth of the child and ends 12 weeks after the date of the funeral, burial or memorial service.

Harassment and violence in the workplace

Last year the Canada Labour Code was amended to expand the obligation of federal employers to prevent, investigate and respond to incidents of workplace violence and harassment. The rules require employers to provide an annual report to the Minister of Labour by March 1 of every year, starting in 2022.

The Employer’s Annual Harassment and Violence Occurrence Report (EAHVOR) must detail any workplace incidents, the measures taken to resolve them and the average time it took to complete the process.

With the reporting deadline upon us, it’s important to know how to file an EAHVOR and meet other obligations regarding workplace harassment and violence. Our Understanding the Workplace Harassment & Violence Prevention Regulations resource can help.

Human Rights Commission on Pay Equity

The Pay Equity Act came into force last August, establishing that federally regulated employers must provide equal pay for work of equal value across job classes.

The first requirement under the Act was to notify employees about the creation of a pay equity plan (the deadline to post a notice was Nov. 1, 2021). Employers have three years to form a committee, complete their plan and adjust compensation based on the findings.

This process will take time and the requirements vary depending on the number of employees, so don’t wait to get started. Check out our guide, The New Pay Equity Agenda 7 Steps to Compliance, to learn more.

Things to Come

Labour Canada is considering other changes to the Canada Labour Code as stated in the Minister’s Mandate letter after the election in the fall. Among them:

  • Development of a right to-disconnect policy within federally regulated workplaces.
  • Making mental health as part of workplace health and safety and requiring federally regulated employers to have measures to deal with stress at the workplace.

Trucking HR Canada has a range of resources and will continue to develop more to support employers in complying with all new regulations. Keep your eyes open for upcoming webinars that will go into greater detail about some of the changes around paid sick days and pay equity.

Groupe Guilbault hires seven young workers thanks to Trucking HR Canada’s wage subsidy program

Groupe Guilbault hires seven young workers thanks to Trucking HR Canada's wage subsidy program

Camille Pitt is a senior human resources advisor for Groupe Guilbault, a large fleet headquartered in Quebec City. Guilbault being one of Trucking HR Canada’s (THRC) Top Fleet Employers, she takes a keen interest in the organization’s activities.

That’s how she found out about the Career ExpressWay initiative. “I saw that there was a wage subsidy that could apply to us,” Pitt says about the program that provides financial support for hiring people under the age of 30 into various positions in the trucking industry.

In Guilbault’s case, this program has helped recruit seven forklift operators and truck drivers. “For example, when we hired a forklift operator, the first $15,000 he received was reimbursed by Trucking HR Canada,” she explains.

One of the goals of the subsidy program is to improve the employment conditions of young workers. “It was either to help someone who was unemployed get back to work or to improve their salary conditions a little bit,” Pitt says, adding that the program was hassle-free to manage.

“Signing up was very, very easy. I filled out a form, talked to the people at THRC, they explained everything to me and I was enrolled. We were reimbursed every month; it was a very simple process.”

The fact that the wage subsidy program applies to all industry occupations, not just drivers, is very appropriate according to the human resources professional at Guilbault.

“There is a labour shortage in all trades,” she says, adding that when a candidate shows interest in a company, you have to be very proactive not to lose them. “When someone applies at 8:15 in the morning, if they’re called at 1:30 in the afternoon they’ve already been contacted by four or five companies. It goes really fast,” she says.

25-year old Davin Larin was hired as a truck driver through the THRC program. He now has a Class 1 driver’s license after successfully completing his training at the Charlesbourg CFTC training centre. After initially being paired with an experienced driver for training, he now does a lot of local deliveries to Guilbault customers near the Quebec City terminal.

David was exposed to the industry at a young age as his father, Benoit, has been a truck driver himself for 20 years. He even took him on a trip to Maine when he was a child.

Field experience

Yet, being in the passenger seat or in professional training is no substitute for on-the-job experience, David admits, citing reversing maneuvers, which are common in local transportation. “You do a lot more backing up on the job than you did in school,” he says.

That’s the kind of thing Pitt is referring to when she talks about being patient with younger employees, and it pays big dividends, she says.

“We can really shape them to our corporate culture; they don’t have bad habits yet. Sometimes, it’s easier to train someone who is more junior than someone who has 25 years of experience at another company because there’s nothing to undo. You just have to build,” she says.

Given the opportunity, young people hired through the Career Express Way programs can also contribute to the evolution of their company. For example, it was David’s suggestion to the health and safety manager that a checklist for hazardous materials hauling be placed in the tablets used by drivers, a suggestion that was adopted and put into practice.

The young man envisions a career in the industry, as a truck driver or perhaps even a dispatcher. “If I can advance, I will,” he says of his eventual progression within the company.

Offering young people a career path is one of the benefits that Guilbault’s senior human resources advisor sees in THRC’s wage subsidy programs.

And not just for drivers. “Forklift operators can become team leaders and eventually foremen, or they can move into office positions,” says Pitt, giving the example of the route planner occupation.

Beyond the financial support, she says the Career ExpressWay program facilitates access to a pool of younger workers, a valuable asset in an industry with an ageing workforce.

“In terms of drivers and forklift operators, it’s really the next generation that we see. If we had to do without young people, we really wouldn’t have enough employees,” she says, noting that she also sees retention benefits in hiring young workers.

“Young people often learn and adapt more easily. They have a desire to do well and improve. They’re also often more loyal to their employer because they’ve been given their first chance, trained and everything. And they’re often more comfortable with technology,” Pitt observes.

When she looks at the industry around her, she notices that the Career ExpressWay programs have created a buzz. “It’s been a pretty popular grant,” Pitt says.

One thing is for sure, Groupe Guilbault plans to continue to take advantage of the programs offered through THRC’s Career ExpressWay. “We intend to do the wage subsidy program again to hire young workers. We’re definitely going to go ahead with this one,” says the human resources professional.

Especially that “Hiring young people with little or no experience requires the cooperation of co-workers, trainers and supervisors,” Pitt says about the sense of belonging being reinforced through team work.

That’s one of the goals of Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay programs.

To learn more about the Employer Wage Support for Youth program, and how you too can benefit from this opportunity, please visit THRC Career Expressway or e-mail [email protected].


The Student Solution

The Student Solution

By Angela Splinter

Every sector in Canada’s economy is looking to attract and grow its labour force, which means students and young workers have lots of career choices at a pivotal time in their lives.

Amid this intense competition for talent, our industry is well-positioned to take advantage of public awareness around the importance of trucking and logistics to the economy and to leverage our labour force data which provides insight into the wide range of opportunities for young workers in our industry.

Trucking HR Canada’s labour market information shows that drivers account for 43% of the sector’s 733,000 workers, meaning we have another 57% representing all other occupations. Dispatchers, logistics coordinators, office administrators, warehouse workers, human resources, diesel technicians, accountants, the list goes on, and all are needed to keep goods moving.

Additionally, 46% of employers in trucking and logistics expect recruiting for non-driving occupations to be a challenge in the future.

Engaging the next generation

Employers looking to engage with the next generation of workers now have financial incentives that can help.

With more than 100 employers already enrolled, our Career ExpressWay program has become a popular way to attract young workers to our industry. It connects students with employers who can offer experience and a meaningful wage.

While there is a bit of administrative work to get set up, employers tell us that once they’re in and ready to go, the program runs smoothly. Many employers who start with one or two students quickly look to bring on even more.


Help, not hype

For starters, Career ExpressWay currently pays up to 75% of the student’s wage up to $7,500. Any full-time or part-time job that supports truck transportation is eligible, including special projects, co-ops and internships.

Post-secondary programs are seeing the benefits of what they call work-integrated learning,? where students gain experience in their field of study and can develop the soft skills needed to succeed in the workplace.

Career Expressway is a win-win-win, really. Employers get access to a pipeline of new talent; students learn about trucking and logistics while getting paid; and the industry as a whole benefits from a growing pool of interested workers.

Lets take a look at what some of our employers say about the program:

  • Students bring fresh ideas, perspectives, and new approaches to business challenges.
  • Being able to test drive a student or new grad before hiring lowers our recruitment and onboarding costs.
  • We have been bringing on students through co-ops and internships and are happy to be able to benefit from the financial incentive offered (with some able to access the funds even if these placements were finished).
  • We have brought on students to help implement special projects/new initiatives with the labour costs almost fully covered.
  • Partnering with specific post-secondary programs like logistics and supply chain management is a strategic focus of our recruitment efforts. Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay is now a part of this plan.
  • Sometimes it’s easier to train someone who is more junior than someone who has 25 years of experience at another company because there’s nothing to undo”.
  • Hiring young workers enables us to shape them (new recruits) to our corporate culture; they don’t have bad habits yet.

Trucking and logistics employers talk a lot about how to showcase the many non-driving careers in our industry and make them more attractive through competitive compensation.

Career ExpressWay may be a solution that fits with your operations, too.

We are partnering with schools and other programs to help connect students with employers in our sector. If recruiting young talent is a priority for your business, and you’re interested in a way to help pay for it, reach out to us today. Contact [email protected] to learn more.


Five HR Issues to Watch in 2022

By Angela Splinter

The New Year is an opportunity to turn over a fresh calendar and forge ahead with new innovations, approaches, partnerships and more. This year we have the added hope that we can transition away from COVID-19 and get back to some semblance of a routine life.

While the pandemic has been disruptive, it has revealed the best of what trucking and logistics has to offer. We’re unquestionably essential to a functioning supply chain and economy. More importantly, we’ve proven our resilience, leadership and ability to endure and pull through ongoing challenges. 2022 will be no different.

The industry should be an attractive place to work, given the respect we’ve generated among the public. Yet finding and keeping talent remains a top challenge for employers.

Trucking HR Canada is here to support you with practical, evidence-based solutions, including several new programs and points of emphasis in 2022. Let’s look at five areas of consideration in the year ahead:

?1. Fresh approaches for recruiting and retention

According to Trucking HR Canada’s Labour Market Information, there were 18,310 truck driver vacancies at the end of Q2 2021, an increase of 4,330 open jobs compared to the last quarter of 2019, before the onset of the pandemic. The demand for drivers is expected to increase each year through 2025, when the number of vacancies will reach 24,700.

Employers need fresh ideas to build the workforce. In 2022, our new Transformative Change Group will lead the discussion into issues such as work-life balance, more transparent compensation structures, better communications and other elements of an HR program that will help you compete for talent.

2. Holistic wellness

In trucking and logistics, the requirements for organizations to manage an employee’s physical health and safety are significant. The pandemic highlighted the connection between physical and mental health in the workplace and beyond. Investing in a holistic approach is good for the individual employee and makes sense for the business, resulting in higher productivity and engagement.

Trucking and logistics companies are learning how to make holistic wellness a larger part of the workplace culture. Stay tuned as Trucking HR Canada adds resources and seminars that can offer practical support to you and your HR team.

3. Hybrid work models

At the beginning of the pandemic, offices transitioned to work-from-home models practically overnight. Today it seems like hybrid work models are here to stay, and employers are focusing on ways to keep workers safe and supported while maintaining an effective workplace culture.

Trucking and logistics companies have always had some segment of the workforce working remotely, whether they’re in a truck, shop, warehouse or other front-line environment. What’s different today is how people and businesses are using technology to collaborate, communicate and take advantage of digital business processes.

With the right investments in technology and training, it’s never been easier for executives, managers, administrators, drivers and others to work together as a team in a hybrid model. We have already seen this with some of our Top Fleet Employers reporting happier workers overall.

4. Workplace diversity and inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) has catapulted to the forefront of business priorities. In trucking and logistics, an industry not known for its diversity, strong DEI strategies can differentiate your organization.

DEI is not a tick-the-box exercise. This year we’re introducing new resources and informational seminars to help you build programs that will increase your candidate pool, enhance innovation and increase genuine engagement.

5. Flexible workplace learning and development

We begin 2022 on the precipice of the fourth industrial revolution. Specific to trucking and logistics, this includes the impact of digitization on scheduling and dispatching, cybersecurity threats and the push for new technologies including electric trucks, semi-autonomous vehicles and more. This will affect the skills needed to perform existing jobs while also creating new ones.

During the pandemic, supply chain decisions that might be years in the making instead occurred at rapid speed. Today, the evolving training and development needs of our workers require a more measured, thoughtful, practical approach.

You can count on Trucking HR Canada to help you now and every day going forward.

We look forward to working with you in 2022.

Career ExpressWay Success Story -Light Speed

Getting paid work experience at Light Speed with the help of Trucking HR Canada?s Career ExpressWay program

Trucking HR Canada

Through Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay Student Work Placement Program, Light Speed Logistics hired their very first co-op student. Taking advantage of a $7,500 wage subsidy – Light Speed was able to bring on an enthusiastic student, Aman Minhas, to help manage a new driver mentorship program, and Aman was given a career-defining opportunity to gain work experience within the trucking and logistics industry.

According to Rob Aronson, Programs Lead at Light Speed Logistics in Calgary, building resiliency in difficult times is the ability to focus on efficient operations and economic strategy wherever possible, including in the recruitment and hiring process.

Subsidies and grants go a long way, he says about the financial support the fleet obtained from Trucking HR Canada through the Career ExpressWay program that subsidizes work placements for students.

The new generation tends to be more entrepreneurial and innovative, so they bring that mindset which is needed for a growing company. Young people can add a lot with how they think and how they work, Aronson says.

When the employer is willing to listen to young workers and provide them with room to grow, even with little to no experience in the sector, students can positively impact the teams they work with.

Minhas says he found just that type of open-minded spirit at Light Speed. They’ll actually take feedback into consideration and make changes for the better of the program, he says about the opinions he expresses.

He’s referring to a mentorship program that the fleet recently introduced, pairing new drivers with seasoned mentors in driving teams.

Monitoring 20 driver teams

Working in the safety and compliance department, Minhas? job is to monitor about 20 of those teams daily, gathering data to help the newer drivers improve. For example, he monitors telematics portals to ensure that safety compliance is upheld. Through this compliance diligence, there is acute attention to important safety areas including speeding, hard braking and hours of service.

Then he will issue recommendations or, if necessary, warnings to the drivers. A task that is not always easy at 22 years old. There have been cases where these guys don’t take me seriously. They kind of see me like the kid,? Minhas says.

He is overcoming that challenge by taking the time to form relationships with the drivers, in a courteous atmosphere. When I’m talking to the drivers, I’m trying to be as respectful as I can be.

Minhas also has a couple of aces up his sleeve. He’s Canadian and grew up in Calgary, in an East Indian family — a background many drivers at Light Speed also share. This often helps with communications, although the young man humbly admits that his Punjabi is not as strong as his English.

He also grew up surrounded by people working in the transportation industry one of his uncles actually drives for Light Speed which gave him a good understanding of how the industry works.

But he’s still learning every day. Although I’ve been around transportation my whole life, never in a million years did I think that there would be so many rules and regulations that are in place in the logistics industry, he says.

At the same time, barriers to overcome are part of what he appreciates most in his work placement. There are always new challenges to solve on a daily basis, Minhas says.

As an employer, Aronson certainly appreciates such a positive attitude. I am impressed by his enthusiasm and how he’s really rolled up his sleeves. He’s taking it more than seriously, he says about Minhas.

Osmosis process

And that opinion is apparently shared within Light Speed’s team of directors. I think there’s that feeling of accomplishment with management, knowing that there’s this osmosis happening where all this information gets absorbed by the new generation coming into the company, Aronson adds.

Light Speed decided to repeat the work placement experience. With the incredible experience we had with Trucking HR Canada so far, we definitely know that we’re going to find every opportunity to continue in this direction and try to maximize opportunities to bring in more young people in different departments across the company,? Aronson says.

Experiences such as this one, which benefits both the employer and the student worker is the ultimate goal of the THRC’s Student Work Placement Program.

To learn more about the Student Work Placement Program, and how you too can benefit from this opportunity, please visit THRC Career Expressway or e-mail [email protected].

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5 tips to help you benefit from student workers

5 tips to help you benefit from hiring student workers

By Vincent Custode

While the driver shortage is certainly causing headaches for employers, a growing concern is the challenge trucking and logistics employers across the country are experiencing in finding workers to help with all aspects of business operations.

Our most recent labour market information shows that almost 40% of employers anticipate recruitment will be extremely or considerably challenging for non-driving occupations, and 32% believe retaining non-driving employees will be considered or extremely challenging.

As a new partner in the Government of Canada’s student work placement program our industry has an incredible opportunity to reach students to fill a variety of non-driving roles.

It is one of the most practical means yet that we have to engage and expose a new generation of workers to the vast job possibilities our industry offers.

Let?s take a look at how hiring a student through Trucking HR Canada?s Career ExpressWay program can benefit your bottom line, along with some tips for success.

Build your brand

Connecting directly with post secondary institutions and building your reputation as a great place to work can positively build your brand.? You are reaching a new group of workers, and ensuring they have a pleasant experience can help you build a new pipeline of talent.

Our industry is vast and diverse. Colleges and universities see the opportunity for meaningful, and relevant placement opportunities for their students. This program not only offers the industry a great opportunity to showcase the large range of jobs available and exposes more students to our sector the program offers employers a unique opportunity to showcase their organization, and their brand with a whole new generation of workers.

The sooner you start, the sooner you benefit

Students are currently looking for winter placements starting in January. By getting into the program now, we can work to support you in the jobs you want to post, giving you good leeway time in identifying a student that will be a good fit.

Additionally many employers who bring students for one term, look to have them on in the next. Getting in now can mean you also get a pipeline of students for summer placements.

Employers have a range of programs to draw from

Our webinar last week had us hear from both George Brown College and the University of Waterloo and the range of programs that employers can hire from is extensive. From HR , accounting, supply chain management, sales, brokerage, IT, communications, business analytics and more. And these are just two institutions that have provided examples.

The opportunities are there to bring on a student for a role that may not require a full-time job ? but can help you in running your business. This can include special projects, or seasonal job needs.

Start by building a strong partnership with one educational institution

Here we have seen employers benefit from focusing on one institution, and building a strong partnership. Once an institution is comfortable with you, and you are happy with the students that partnership can grow into more opportunities.

Financial incentives

Participating in Trucking HR Canada’s program will enable you to access up to 75% of the students wage, up to a maximum of $7,500.

Connecting students to jobs in our industry is essential ? and this program offers one of the practical means yet to help us in doing that.

Reach out to [email protected] today to learn more.


Investing in Youth: How Career ExpressWay can help you pay for young talent

Investing in Youth: How Career ExpressWay can help you pay for young talent

By Angela Splinter

With supply chains under so much duress, the need for workers in trucking and logistics has never been more urgent. Our industry is essential to Canada’s economic recovery, and there’s no doubt that we need to attract younger workers to help us keep up.

Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay program connects students and other young career-seekers with employers that can offer both professional work experience and a meaningful wage. We’ve introduced three new wage and training subsidy programs for 2021-22 that can help you do just that.

Let’s take a closer look:

  • $7,500 for student work placement

Our Student Work Placement Subsidy lets you access funds to recruit and hire students who are eager to develop their skills in a real-world work environment. The program pays up to 75% of the student’s wage up to $7,500.

Any full-time or part-time job that supports truck transportation is eligible, including special projects, co-ops, and internships. You may even be interested in hiring recent graduates to gauge their fit with your company these jobs qualify, too. And while trucking and logistics companies are obvious candidates for our Student Work Placement stream, so too are industry suppliers.

Every post-secondary institution in the country is looking to give its students access to paid on-the-job experiences in all areas of academic study. This is a great opportunity to showcase the many non-driving careers in our industry and to make these jobs more attractive through competitive compensation.

  • $10,000 wage support for youth

Looking to recruit young talent to your business? Our Employer Wage Support for Youth Program pays up to $10,000 in a wage subsidy for young people working in driving and non-driving positions.

This is different from the student work-placement stream in that the subsidy is geared toward workers aged 30 or younger, including those who face employment barriers due to lack of training, education, or other factors. It can be used for virtually any occupation in the trucking and logistics.

  • $10,000 youth driver training subsidy

While the industry’s need for truck drivers is obvious, the cost of driver training can be a barrier for young people who want to enter the industry.

Our Career ExpressWay program has a new injection of funding that can provide employers with up to $10,000 tuition for entry-level driver training for workers aged 30 or younger.

If ever there has been an opportunity for us to better connect youth with driving occupations, this is it.

What’s the catch?

Well, I would like to think there isn’t one.

Having said that, managing government funds means there is a bit of paperwork involved. All programs require a small investment of time in order to get approved and set up in the various program streams.

Our team is continually improving the administrative process and they are available to support you and answer any questions you may have.

The list of employers using our Career ExpressWay program is growing every day. If recruiting young talent is a priority for your business, and you’re interested in a way to help pay for it, reach out to us today to learn more.

The competition for new workers is only getting more intense. Career ExpressWay and the funding it provides may be the game-changer you need.

2021 Employer Survey: Top Employer Challenge – Truck Driver Labour Shortages

By: Tanara Ferguson


Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, trucking and logistics businesses have faced many challenges including: increased health and safety regulations, supply chain backlogs, fluctuating demand for their services, rising input prices, and changing workforce needs.

As vaccines have become available and the economy recovers, what will the new normal look like for our industry?

This past summer, as part of Trucking HR Canada?s (THRC) labour market information (LMI) work, we surveyed employers to better understand how the sector?s employment and business activity is changing, the challenges companies are now facing, and the supports the sector will need moving forward.

These employer surveys are an important component of this work ? work which includes our specialized analysis of publicly available sources, including Statistics Canada?s census and other labour force surveys, augmented with data directly from employers to fill in the gaps.

Here, are the results.

1 – Top Employer Challenge ? Truck Driver Labour Shortages

Over 75% of employers expect a shortage of truck drivers to be a challenge in the next 6 months, over 50% indicating that it will be their top challenge. Recruiting truck drivers was also identified as the most challenging HR task. Labour shortages for non-truck driver positions is also top of mind with 46% of respondents indicating that this too would be a challenge.

2 – Companies carrying non-essential* goods had lower revenues in 2020

51% of companies experienced a decrease in revenues in 2020 compared to 2019, with businesses carrying non-essential goods more likely to experience that decrease ? 65%, compared to those companies carrying essential goods ? 38%.

* Non-essential companies are defined as those for which essential goods account for less than 50% of transported goods. In turn, essential companies are defined as those for which essential goods make up more than 50% of what their company transports.

3 -?Truck driver employment is rebounding

Truck driver employment is rebounding.? Amongst respondents a 5.3% decrease in truck driver employment was reported between 2019 and 2020, it then rebounds by 1.7% in 2021, 3.7% below its 2019 level.

4 – Companies continue to struggle with driver shortages

Of the survey respondents, 67% were unable to fill all the driver positions they needed this past year. Larger companies struggled more with over 80% of those with revenues over $25 million unable to fill their driver positions.

Employers indicated that lower numbers of applicants, applicants with low levels of experience, increasing retirement rates and increasing employee initiated turn over were factors that contributed to the shortage.

5 – Smaller companies have been slower to recover

41% of smaller companies (those with revenues less then $5 million) reported business activity below pre-pandemic levels compared to only 26% of companies with revenues above $5 million.

On average, companies with business levels below pre-pandemic levels (31% of respondents) expect to return to pre-pandemic levels in 14 months.

As we continue to work in supporting employers in meeting their HR challenges, here are some practical solutions that can help:

Our Career ExpressWay program has several financial incentives that can help. Our youth driver training subsidies, wage subsidies, and new student work placement program directly support the onboarding of younger workers.

And, new this fall, THRC will be releasing five resource guides to help industry employers and HR managers tackle the most pressing HR issues.

Call to participate – Are you interested in exploring new solutions to old, yet ongoing industry problems? To have these discussions, THRC is assembling a group of diverse, forward-thinking, innovators and leaders. To learn more visit: National Trucking HR Transformative Change Group | Trucking HR

Want to learn more? Visit our website today at truckinghr.com and be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter while you are there.? Watch for upcoming information sessions too that can help you access our financial incentives.

The new pay equity agenda – 7 steps to compliance

By: Marisha Tardif

On August 31st, 2021, the Pay Equity Act and its Regulations will enter into force, creating new requirements for federally regulated employers with 10 or more employees. The new legislation ?requires employers to be proactive in eliminating wage gaps between men and women in the workplace, ensuring equal pay for work of equal value across job classes.

To achieve this, employers need to meet a series of obligations that revolve around the creation of a pay equity plan.

Below are 7 steps to help you understand and comply with the new pay equity agenda.

STEP 1 ? Post a notice in your workplace

By November 1st, 2021, employers must post a notice to their employees announcing the creation of a pay equity plan and? a pay equity committee ? if a pay equity committee is required.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission has published a free template and guidance sheet to help employers develop a workplace notice. Click here to learn more.

STEP 2 ? Create your pay equity committee

Once you have posted your notice, you will need to get to work on your pay equity plan. You may be required to set up a pay equity committee to create the plan.

Trucking HR Canada has developed a fact sheet to help you learn more about pay equity committees and whether you are required to create one.? Click here to download this resource.

STEP 3 ? Develop your pay equity plan

To develop a pay equity plan, employers need to follow a specific process, ?requiring you to gather data and perform calculations to evaluate compensation across job classes.

Creating a pay equity plan is a complex and time-consuming process. It is a good idea for employers to review requirements and start taking steps towards creating your pay equity plan as soon as possible. Again, we have you covered.? Click here to consult a list of the information you will require to create your plan, as detailed by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

STEP 4 ? Post the draft pay equity plan and receive feedback from your employees

Once your draft pay equity plan is complete, employers must post the plan with a notice informing employees that they have 60 days to provide comments. Once this feedback is collected, employers will be required to finalize their pay equity plan by August 31st, 2024.

STEP 5 ? Communicate any increases in employee compensation and pay these out

Once the final pay equity plan has been posted in year 3, employers must also increase compensation within any job classes that are not receiving equal pay for work of equal value. Employees must be notified of any pay increases in advance of the company paying these out. Depending on the employer?s size and circumstances, these pay increases must either be paid out in full on the day after the final pay equity plan is posted, or within 3 to 5 years (provided the employer is eligible for a phased implementation approach).

STEP 6 ? Submit your first annual statement

At the end of year 3, employers need to submit an annual statement to the Pay Equity Commissioner regarding their pay equity plan and the pay increases that have been identified within it.

STEP 7 ? Monitor and update your pay equity plan

At least once every five years, employers will have to review and update their pay equity plans to account for any pay equity gaps that may have appeared since posting their initial plan.

Stay tuned for more information

Trucking HR Canada is here to support employers with labour-related compliance requirements, including those stemming from changes to the Canada Labour Code and from changes to help achieve wage fairness. We work in partnership with industry associations, government agencies and more in ensuring you have the practical resources and tools needed to support HR excellence.

Follow us and check out our website as we plan for more informational sessions, webinars and more.

Plan now for a healthy economic rebound

By: Angela Splinter

May 11, 2021

We?re all pining for post-pandemic life. As vaccine rollouts make this possible, and we fill offices, restaurants, stadiums and hotels again, Canada needs a healthy trucking and logistics industry to help carry the economy.

We?re responsible for moving more than $850 billion in goods each year and employ more than 650,000 workers. What?s more, trucking and logistics businesses support virtually every other industry in Canada, including manufacturing, construction, farming, oil and gas, forestry and more.

COVID-19 has both confirmed and emphasized that truck transportation is one of Canada?s most important commercial and economic sectors. It?s essential that we?re operating at full strength.

Labour challenges

According to our latest economic assessments and labour market information (LMI), the pandemic has only made HR management a higher priority especially when it comes to over-the-road truck drivers. Here?s what the data tells us:

  • Demand for drivers: We project truck driver vacancies in Canada to surpass 25,000 by 2023, a 25% increase compared to 2019. We expect vacancies to rise for other occupations as well. By?2023, the need for drivers is expected to be greater than our baseline pre-COVID-19 projections due to increased demand for trucking services as the economy reopens.


  • Demographic changes: The average worker in trucking and logistics is older than in other industries, with 27% of workers over the age of 55 compared to 21% in the general labour force.?On average, 13,675 workers retire from trucking each year. Our aging workforce further fuels the labour shortage.


  • New entries: Workers coming into the industry are largely made up of new entries or entries from other occupations. In fact, about 54,000 inexperienced workers are expected to enter the sector each year to 2023, a signal that training needs may be significant.


  • Labour supply gaps remain: The supply of workers in our industry is only projected to grow by about 5,600 people per year.?This net growth is a function of inflows (new entries and entries from other occupations, immigration and non-permanent residents) and outflows of workers (retirements and other attrition). Importantly, this growth will not be enough to meet the expected employment demand over the same period.

What does it all mean? We need skilled workers. How do we get there? Let?s take a look:

More financial incentives are coming. Apply now and avoid delays later

Our Career ExpressWay Program is gearing up for more wage subsidies designed to get more young people to work in our industry. The program offers financial incentives specifically for truck transportation and logistics employers. The time has never been better for us to recruit young workers. They need work, and we have work.

As with all government programs, there is some paperwork involved. Get pre-approved today and be ahead of the competition come summer. With wage subsidies ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per young person, the extra time is worth it.

To learn more, visit our website and/or reach out to John today at [email protected].

Workplace harassment and violence requirements: Comply now so you can focus on other HR matters later

All federally regulated employers are required to comply with Canada?s new Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations that came into force in January of this year.? Employers need to have proper policies in place, a designated recipient in place, and more.? Your entire workforce needs to complete compliant training by December 31, 2021. ?All this to say, it?s a little more complicated than you may think.

As an employer, you need to:

  • Complete a risk assessment and implement preventive measures
  • Create emergency procedures to protect staff from harassment and violence
  • Prepare and communicate a compliant workplace policy
  • Be ready to receive complaints and follow the required resolution process
  • Provide information and support to targets of harassment and violence
  • Have a designated recipient who is specially trained on the regulations
  • Ensure that all managers and supervisors receive specific training given their role
  • Train all employees on the new regulations
  • Ensure your record keeping is in line with Labour Canada requirements

Our website and on-line learning centre have policy templates, how-to guides, checklists and all the on-line training resources you need. Our resources are free and the training is cost effective. Developed in partnership with Labour Canada, the Canadian Trucking Alliance and all provincial associations, employment lawyers, labour representatives and more, Trucking HR Canada has you covered. Feel to reach out to Michella today at [email protected].

Top Fleet Employers

Our Top Fleet Employers are leaders in promoting a positive image of trucking and logistics and offering great places to work. We are proud to see this program grow each year, with 77 fleets recognized this year.

Stay tuned for our 2021 best practices report that will showcase recruitment and retention initiatives that work for our Top Fleets, which means they may work for you, too.? And if you are a leader in terms of your HR approaches, contact us today to learn how you can be recognized while also accessing many other program perks, including pre-approval for wage subsidies.

Feel free to reach out to Alero at [email protected].

We all want our industry?s employees and businesses to be in good health physically, mentally and financially. Canada?s economy needs us more than ever.

Taking some of these steps today will help get your business on track.