A Modern HR Approach Is a Collaborative One

April 30, 2019 by Bridget O'Shaughnessy


“Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.”

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow our “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

As the world becomes more interconnected, we can learn a lot from other economies and cultures about how to solve our own issues in the Canadian trucking and logistics industry. One of those issues is the inclusion of women and how to improve the diversity of our industry overall.

What can we learn from others and what can we share?

On April 23, Trucking HR Canada was invited to speak at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Women in Transportation Roundtable in Vancouver. APEC brings together leaders, ministers, senior officials and business representatives, who meet regularly to drive the APEC agenda forward and implement policies and projects across a wide range of issues. Since 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development have worked together to implement the APEC Women in Transportation (WIT) Initiative, seeing value in this solution to labour shortages.

For me, the roundtable demonstrated just how important it is to collaborate with people from different economies and sectors who have taken on similar challenges. Here’s what we learned:

A diverse workforce is a more successful workforce

Gender equity in the workplace is no longer just an equality issue, it’s an economic one. When women do better, everyone wins.

Progress takes time

“At the current rate of progress, it will take 200 years to close the gender gap,” said Thao Pham, Associate Deputy Minister at Transport Canada, during her opening remarks at the roundtable. She’s referring to a study from CCPA Research Associate Kate McInturff that looks at Canada’s progress in closing the gap between men and women over the past two decades. Despite high-profile initiatives to increase the representation of women in politics and on corporate boards, Canada’s overall score has climbed just 2.3% in two decades.

If we want to see gender equity in our lifetime, we are going to have to make some dramatic changes. But how?

Mentorship programs work

In a study by the Wharton School of Business, 25% of employees who took part in their company’s mentoring program have experienced a salary increase compared to just 5% of non-participants. Mentors were six times more likely to be promoted than those not in the program; mentees were promoted five times more often.

Trucking HR Canada’s “Industry Youth” surveys show that the majority of young people want more mentoring and coaching in the workplace, and our “Women with Drive” surveys have two in three respondents citing mentorship as a tool that would support them professionally.

Key takeaway: Implement that mentorship program you’ve been thinking about.

Include women at every level

Gender equality is more likely to be achieved when women are involved with planning, hiring, training, and mentorship at every level of a company.

In the panel moderated by Trucking HR Canada’s CEO, Angela Splinter, we learned why it’s important to make a conscious effort to include women in surveys and data collection. It is also key to be aware of biases within the data based on women’s previous participation in the data.

The insightful panelists who spoke included: David Chien, Executive Director, Office of Policy and Plans, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration; Lori Summer, U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration; Dr. Stephanie Ivey, University of Memphis; and Kelly Clifton, Portland State University.

I am hopeful that, moving forward, these collaborative approaches across economies and sectors will help everyone recognize opportunities for gender equity in our industry and in our country in my lifetime. We’ll continue to share ideas, but it’s also time for action.

How Bill C-86 Will Change Employee Termination Policies

April 23, 2019 by Miguel Mangalindan


Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow Trucking HR Canada’s 10 part “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

Miguel Mangalindan is a Senior Associate Lawyer at Monkhouse Law where he practices Employment, Human Rights and Disability Insurance Law. He was a panelist at Trucking HR Canada’s Mental Health symposium last October, and recently participated as one of the Learning Highway session presenters at Women with Drive, sharing insights on how Bill C-86 will impact you. This week, we invited him to again share his expertise with us through our Blog Series.

Currently, if a federally regulated employer wants to terminate an employee, it must give two-weeks’ notice or pay two weeks’ wages, provided the employee has completed three months of continuous employment. If the position is under a collective bargaining agreement, the employer may also have to notify the trade union.

Bill C-86, which received royal assent in December 2018, will amend the Canada Labour Code (the “Code”) and replace the standard two-week notice with a graduated system based on length of employment:

  • two weeks for employees who have completed three months of employment;
  • three weeks for employees who have completed three years of employment;
  • four weeks for employees who have completed four years of employment;
  • five weeks for employees who have completed five years of employment;
  • six weeks for employees who have completed six years of employment;
  • seven weeks for employees who have completed seven years of employment; and
  • eight weeks for employees who have completed eight years of employment.

Generally, for employees who are part of a group termination, there will now be an additional individual notice period of eight weeks as defined in the Code.

Bill C-86 is one of the most important regulatory issues for trucking and logistics HR managers to understand, as it will affect work scheduling and break periods, leaves of absence, vacation entitlements, and more. I previously covered how Bill-86 affects leaves of absence and hours of work policies, among other amendments to the Code, in previous posts.

Many of these amendments will come into force on September 1, 2019 at the earliest. Other changes to the Code may come sooner, or possibly later, as they are to come into force at dates fixed by order of the Governor in Council, including aggregate parental leave entitlements, individual termination notices, reimbursement of work-related expenses obligations, and personal leaves.

Overall, these legislative changes will surely affect the labour and employment practices of federally regulated employers. We encourage affected employers to begin preparing for these changes now by conducting a full review of their current policies and procedures.

Modernizing Workplace Wellness

April 16, 2019 by Angela Splinter


“Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.”

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow our “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

There is a growing focus on employee health and wellness, and rightfully so. Putting wellness programs in place not only demonstrates that you care about your employees, it is shown to have direct impacts on employee productivity; reduced absenteesism, and overall job satisfaction.

Today, employers with comprehensive and modern wellness approaches are using them as part of their attraction and recruitment efforts. Let’s take a look at how you can make sure your health and wellness approach keeps you competitive in todays marketplace:

Tailored approaches

When it comes to workplace wellness, one size does not fit all. All employees have unique needs and priorities. And, while there is a lot of research pointing to the millennials desire for more flexibility, current research shows that in fact, employees from all generations value more flexibility, convenience and control over their benefits. There is also growing interest in non-conventional health services.

When is the last time you took a close look at your health and benefits plan? When is the last time you asked your employees what they value most about it?

There are options out there to help you meet the diverse and unique needs of your employees. Health spending accounts and wellness accounts are two examples that offer this type of flexibility. They give employees more choice and increased involvement in their benefits, and give employers financial flexibility too by allowing you to determine set spending amounts.

Financial health

With an increasing number of workers in our industry approaching retirement, assistance in educating and informing your employees about their financial wellness is an important consideration. The stress caused by financial worries and concerns should not be under-estimated.

Either through an employee assistance program, or other service providers – there are ways to confidentially address the financial concerns of your employees, through money management support, education, and debt counselling and retirement planning.


Good nutrition is a known factor in the health and wellbeing of your employees. It helps to maintain energy levels, contributes to a healthy body weight, and assists in the prevention and management of chronic disease

Many employers offer stocked driver lounges, host summer BBQ events, or provide staff lunches for special occasions. These are all opportunities for employers to promote healthy eating by offering healthy choices and options. If a healthy workplace culture is something you want to promote, then do so.

Mental health

In any given week, 500,000 employed Canadians are unable to work due to a mental health issue. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health conditions are increasingly responsible for disability claims and account for more than $6 billion in lost productivity due to absenteeism and “presenteeism.” In trucking, a worker who is on the job but not mentally present also poses a safety risk.

Making sure that employees are not chronically overworked, having policies that effectively address bullying or harassment, and ensuring that staff are equipped and trained to identify mental health issues early are important considerations.

Modern workplaces are ensuring that mental health is addressed each and every day.

Make workplace wellness an integral component of your overall HR approach. Healthy and productive employees mean a healthy and productive business.

Are Your Hours of Work Policies in Line with Bill C-86?

April 9, 2019 by Miguel Mangalindan


Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow Trucking HR Canada’s 10 part “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

Miguel Mangalindan is a Senior Associate Lawyer at Monkhouse Law where he practices Employment, Human Rights and Disability Insurance Law. He was a panelist at Trucking HR Canada’s Mental Health symposium last October, and recently participated as one of the Learning Highway session presenters at Women with Drive, sharing insights on how Bill C-86 will impact you. This week, we invited him to again share his expertise with us through our Blog Series.

This is the second installment in our three-part contribution to Trucking HR Canada’s “Modernizing your HR Approach” blog series about Bill C-86, which will amend the Canada Labour Code in significant ways for federally regulated employers, including many trucking and logistics companies.

Two of these changes are with respect to hours of work and equal treatment based on employment status.

Hours of Work

Bill C-86 will provide employees with several new break and rest period entitlements, notably an unpaid break of 30 minutes for every five hours of work; a minimum eight-hour rest period between work periods or shifts (with some exceptions); and unpaid breaks for breastfeeding, pumping breastmilk, or medical reasons.

Employers will also be obligated to provide employees with at least 96 hours of written notice of their work schedule. Otherwise, employees can refuse to work any shift in their schedule that starts within 96 hours from the time the schedule is provided to them.

This new requirement will not apply to employees governed by a collective agreement that specifies an alternate time frame for providing the work schedule, or which states that this section in the Code does not apply to those employees.

Furthermore, every employee will be entitled to and shall be granted unpaid breaks for medical reasons. On written request by the employer, the employee must provide a certificate issued by a health care practitioner setting out the length and frequency of the breaks needed for medical reasons.

Equal Treatment

Bill C-86 will prohibit an employer from paying employees differently for performing the same work based on “employment status” under the following conditions:

  • the employees work in the same industrial establishment;
  • they perform substantially the same kind of work;
  • the performance of that work requires substantially the same skill, effort, and responsibility;
  • their work is performed under similar working conditions; and any other factor that may be prescribed by regulation is present.

Exceptions exist if the difference in the employees’ wages is due to a system based on seniority, merit, or the quantity or quality of each employee’s production.

Bill C-86 outlines additional obligations for employers, including having to conduct a review of the employee’s rate of wages, and to provide a written response within 90 days of receiving the employee’s request for review. Employers cannot retaliate against employees who make such a request and employers also cannot reduce any employee’s rate of wages to comply with the changes to the legislation.

Although not specifically a part of the amendments to the Code, Bill C-86 also creates a federal Pay Equity Act to establish a process for the achievement of pay equity by the redressing of systemic gender-based discrimination. I will talk about that in a separate post.

Top Fleet Employers program honours 63 industry workplaces

OTTAWA, ON (April 9, 2019)? Sixty-three of the best workplaces in Canada?s trucking and logistics industry have earned honours through the 6th annual Top Fleet Employers program, Trucking HR Canada has announced.

All applicants were rated on topics including recruitment and retention practices, workplace culture, compensation, training and skills development, and innovative HR practices. Additionally, those who have been recognized in the program for a minimum of 5 years are honoured with the Top Fleet Employer of Distinction status.

The 2019 honours are awarded to the following (listed by number of years in the program):

5+ years – Top Fleet Employers of Distinction:

  • Bison Transport (ON)
  • Challenger Motor Freight (ON)
  • Edge Transportation Services (SK)
  • Erb Transport (ON)
  • Home Hardware Stores Ltd. (ON)
  • J.G. Drapeau (ON)
  • Kindersley Transport (SK)
  • Kriska Holdings Ltd. (ON)
  • Liberty Linehaul (ON)
  • Linamar Transportation (ON)
  • Logikor (ON)
  • Ryder Canada Supply Chain Solutions (ON)
  • SLH Transport (ON)
  • Transpro Freight Systems (ON)
  • Triton Transport (BC)

4 years:

  • Arnold Brothers Transport (MB)
  • Brian Kurtz Trucking Ltd (ON)
  • Canaan Shipping Co. Ltd. (BC)
  • Canada Cartage (ON)
  • J&R Hall Transport Inc. (ON)
  • Joseph Haulage Canada (ON)
  • Midland Transport (NB)
  • Olymel – Transport Transbo (QC)
  • Q-Line Trucking (SK)
  • Rosedale Transport (ON)
  • Steed Standard Transportation (ON)
  • Sutco Contracting Limited (BC)
  • Tandet (ON) ? Trailer Wizards (ON)
  • Westcan Bulk Transport (AB)

3 years:

  • Carmen Transportation (ON)
  • Groupe Guilbault (QC)
  • Harv Wilkening Transport Ltd (SK)
  • JD Smith Supply Chain Solutions (ON)
  • Munden Ventures (BC)
  • National Shunt Services (ON)
  • One for Freight (ON)
  • Onfreight Logistics (ON)
  • Payne Transportation (MB)
  • STG Fleet Services (SK)
  • Woodcock Brothers Transportation Group (ON)
  • XTL Transport (QC)

2 years:

  • ?Arrow Transportation Systems (BC)
  • Bandstra Transportation Systems (BC)
  • Beyond Transportation (ON)
  • Caron Transportation Systems (AB)
  • Clarke Road Transport (NS)
  • Coastal Pacific Xpress (BC)
  • Fast Lane Freight Services (MB)
  • Fortigo Freight Services (ON)
  • Polaris Transport Carriers (ON)
  • RST Sunbury Transport (NB)

This year we welcome:

  • Alchemist Specialty Carriers (BC)
  • Armour Transportation Systems (NB)
  • Big Freight Systems (MB)
  • Client Transport Inc. (ON)
  • GX Transportation Solutions (ON)
  • Highlight Motor Group (ON)
  • Modern Landfill (ON)
  • Spring Creek Carriers Inc. (ON)
  • Titanium Transportation Group (ON)
  • Trimac Transportation (AB)
  • Versacold (BC)

?Our Top Fleet Employers are leaders in promoting a positive image of the trucking and logistics industry,? says Angela Splinter, Chief Executive Officer. ?As the competition for skilled workers continues to intensify, their consistently strong HR approaches will help position us an industry of choice.?

The Top Fleet Employer standards have been validated by trucking industry experts, and is reviewed annually to ensure an accurate reflection of human resources issues, trends, and today?s working environments. A newly created ?Top Fleet Employers Council? provides strategic input to program policies and the Top Fleet Employers? Awards assessment criteria.

The Top Fleet Employer Program is open to for hire, private fleets/fleet services of all sizes across Canada. Trucking HR Canada will proudly honour, celebrate and recognize the 2019 Top Fleet Employers at its annual Gala Awards Dinner being held on October 17th, 2019 at the Palais Royale in Toronto. Awards will be presented to the Top Fleet in each category (top small, medium, large and private fleet) along with Achievement of Excellence Awards in the following categories: Workplace Culture, Training & Skills Development, Workplace Diversity, HR Innovator, Employee Engagement and the two new Achievement of Excellence Awards will be presented for Workplace Mental Health and Women in the Workplace. The evening will cap off with the announcement of the prestigious HR Leader of the Year Award, presented by Reimer Associates.

For more information on the Top Fleet Employer Awards Gala or to get your tickets click here.


Trucking HR Canada is a national partnership-based organization that is dedicated to developing, sharing and promoting the trucking industry?s best practices in human resources and training.

For further information, contact:
Bridget O?Shaughnessy
Manager, Marketing and Communications
[email protected]
613-244-4800 x 302

A Modern HR Approach Is a Social One

April 2, 2019 by Bridget O'Shaughnessy


Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow Trucking HR Canada’s 10 part “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

In a tight labour market it’s becoming more important to use all possible recruitment tools to attract talent. As the baby-boomer generation heads towards retirement, and we seek to fill the gap they create, social media will become an even more important tool and staying on top of these trends can help companies tremendously in their recruitment efforts.

Who uses social media?

A report by Abacus Data, found that close to 75% of respondents from a national survey had a Facebook account. When you break it down by generations the numbers show a gap between generations but it’s not as pronounced as one might think. While over 90% of millennials have a Facebook account, well over half of adults 60 and up do as well.

However, the big difference between these groups was HOW they are using it. The regularity of use varies considerably between generations. According to research from Abacus Data, 50% of millennials check their Facebook accounts multiple times a day, whereas regular use for older generations were considerably lower, with 67% of 30-44 year olds, 58% of 45-59 year olds, and 50% of those 60 and over checking at least daily.

Why use social media as a recruitment tool?

Its clear that social media plays a large role in our lives, and especially in the lives of the millennial generation, who are the largest cohort in the Canadian labour force. Adopting recruitment practices that reach this group is becoming crucial in order to compete.

Your company’s online presence says something about your company culture. It can give potential candidates a look into what it would be like to work for your company. That’s why it is so important that you make sure your social media tells the right story. With the right content, you can influence future candidates’ perceptions and turn curious visitors into potential applicants.

Using social media


As we know, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. But Facebook is not just for sharing what you ate for breakfast. People use Facebook to connect with friends and co-workers, get their news, read reviews of local restaurants, and yes, check out potential future employers.

A great tip from the Foundry by Monster is to make sure you integrate the right mix of content between company information, industry insights and job ads to make the most of your Facebook page.


LinkedIn has over 500 million members and remains the number one social media option for recruiters because it’s designed for them. Ensure your LinkedIn company page shows who you are by highlighting your culture, mission and values in a professional and approachable manner. You will also want to make sure it is full of relevant keywords which will help prospective employees find you. Finally, make sure you have employees connect to your page so any job opportunities can be shared throughout their LI network.


Twitter offers the huge advantage of being an open platform where you can easily contact and build relationships with people. It also brings several challenges and expressing your corporate culture in 280 characters is one of them (but adding rich pictures, links and videos should do the trick).


Instagram enables you to visually convey your company culture. Photos or videos of people at work, company celebrations, technology etc. let job-seekers look behind the scenes and become interested to learn more about working for you.

To wrap it all up, creating rich social media content, including photos and video, across your chosen platforms, can give potential candidates a taste of what working for you is like, and in today’s world, that transparency is important. In a time when you can pretty well google anything, take the opportunity on social media to tell the story yourself.

How Bill C-86 Affects Leaves of Absence and Vacation Pay

March 26, 2019 by Miguel Mangalindan


Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow Trucking HR Canada’s 10 part “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

Miguel Mangalindan is a Senior Associate Lawyer at Monkhouse Law where he practices Employment, Human Rights and Disability Insurance Law. He was a panelist at Trucking HR Canada’s Mental Health symposium last October, and recently participated as one of the Learning Highway session presenters at Women with Drive, sharing insights on how Bill C-86 will impact you. This week, we invited him to again share his expertise with us through our Blog Series.

One of the most important regulatory issues for trucking and logistics HR managers this year involves Bill C-86, which will amend the Canada Labour Code and significantly affect federally regulated employers.

These amendments involve work scheduling and break periods, pay equity, termination, and more.

This is the first of a four-part contribution to Trucking HR Canada’s “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series covering some of the changes in Bill C-86, starting with new provisions related to leaves of absence and vacation pay.

Leaves of absence

Bill C-86 will eliminate the minimum length of service requirement for leaves of absence entitlements, which means that employees will qualify immediately once they’ve been hired. It also creates new or amended types of leave, including:

  • Personal leave: Employees will be entitled to “personal leave” for up to five days a year (three days paid). Personal leave covers a wide range of reasons, including illness and family obligations.
  • Medical leave: The 17-week leave for personal illness or injury will be expanded to include organ or tissue donation and medical appointments during working hours.
  • Family violence: Employees who have completed three months of service are entitled to a 10-day leave if they are a victim of family violence or a parent of a child who is a victim of family violence. The first five days of family violence leave are with pay.
  • Court or jury duty: Employees will be entitled to unpaid leave in order to act as witnesses or jurors in a judicial proceeding or to participate in a jury selection process.

Vacation pay

The minimum federal standard for paid vacation time will be two weeks after one year of employment, three weeks after five years, and four weeks after 10 years.

Bill C-86 will increase the rate of vacation pay for longer service. For example, a person who has been with the same employer for at least 10 consecutive years will be entitled to vacation pay equal to 8% of their wages during the year of employment in respect of which they are entitled to the vacation.

The bill will also eliminate the 30-day period of employment presently required for an employee to be entitled to holiday pay for a general holiday.

Many of these amendments will not come into force until September 1 at the earliest, so now is the time to assess whether your policies and procedures will be in compliance. We encourage affected employers to learn more about C-86 and prepare for these changes by conducting a full review.

Creating a Family-First Workplace

March 18, 2019 by Angela Splinter


Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.

In today’s labour market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow our “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

Work-life balance means different things to different people, but I have no doubt that it’s a priority for workers in their mid-twenties to late thirties-the Millennials-with young families.

Every year, our Top Fleet Employers tell us there’s a direct correlation between “family friendly” policies and higher retention rates. Modern workplaces that recognize and respond to the connection between work and family are simply a more desirable place to be. Their family-first culture is an advantage as they compete for talent.

How do they do it? Let’s take a look:

Family-friendly policies

Your policies and procedures give structure to the programs and decisions that define your culture.

A family-friendly workplace is one where policies make it possible for employees to more easily balance and fulfill their family and work obligations. Things like flexibility in work hours to better support daycare arrangements or caring for aging parents; accommodating time off so employees can engage in volunteer work; and maternity and paternity benefits that go beyond what is required by law.

These family-friendly policies and procedures-written down and clearly communicated-show that your company cares about the well-being and happiness of your employees and that they have a life outside of work.

Face time vs family time

Does your company still value a “come early, stay late, connected 24/7” culture? At the end of the day, it’s all about deliverables and recognizing the value of work rather than the time people put in. For many employees it may not matter whether they do their job at 2 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon as long as it’s done well and on-time. Instead of encouraging “face-time” in the office, consider how you can better support “family-time.”

Family-focused benefits

As an employer, you have tools and resources that can support and demonstrate a family-first culture.

Family issues can cause stress for your employees, and access to confidential family counseling through your employee assistance program (EAP) can help reduce it. Another example is to offer scholarships or tuition support to the children of your employees as a way to help with family finances and promote education.

Families won’t be aware of these and other benefits unless you explain them clearly to everyone involved. This is especially true for drivers who may not be in staff meetings or break rooms to hear about these programs. Many of our Top Fleet Employers say they make a special effort to tell drivers and their families not only what benefits are offered but how they are processed. Knowing their family is in the loop means they’re more likely to focus on the job at hand-and stick with you as an employee.

Make it a family affair

There’s no better way for a family to understand their loved one’s job than to see where they work and meet the people they spend their days with.

Include family members in company events like holiday celebrations, summer BBQs, and more. And take advantage of Take Our Kids to Work Day, which usually falls on the first Wednesday in November. Workshops and tours that educate kids about career opportunities in trucking and logistics can give the event some structure while providing them with a glimpse of the working world.

Making your business family-friendly may take some time, but the payoff will be worth it. You can also learn more by watching our 2018 Top Fleet Employer video highlighting the important role family has in developing productive, healthy, and modern workplaces.

How Do You Modernize Your HR Approach? Revisit Your HR Plan

March 8, 2019 by Angela Splinter


“Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.”

In today’s labor market, successful truck fleets and logistics companies know that staying abreast of the issues will help them stay ahead of the competition. Follow our “Modernizing Your HR Approach” blog series as we navigate emerging trends and share tips for finding, hiring, and retaining the talent you need.

Without question, the competition for qualified workers is hot both within and across industries. As truck fleets and logistics operations increase their efforts to find qualified workers, we offer this new blog series to help you build a productive, modern workforce and a workplace culture that can help you attract and retain the talent you need.

Where do you start? The first step is to revisit your existing HR plan.

New labor laws, emerging technologies, shifting demographics, and other changes in the landscape demand that you regularly review your HR plan and make sure it’s clearly aligned with your business strategy. Even the most deliberate approach to compensation, training, and other HR management issues can be derailed by the needs of the moment.

Now’s the time to make adjustments. Here are three things a modern HR plan should have:

1. Flexibility

An effective HR plan should have the flexibility to meet short-term staffing needs while allowing you to quickly adapt to a changing business environment.

A good example is driver compensation.

Your current HR plan probably has a structured approach to driver pay. But it also needs the flexibility to accommodate changes in the marketplace; factor in more than just base pay; and adjust to your organization’s ongoing budget plans.

You can build flexibility into your HR plan by formally allotting time to assess the organizational implications of changes in driver compensation; creating a process to support communication across your organization when compensation changes happen; and ensuring that your budgeting process recognizes the need for flexibility in driver compensation.

Attracting and keeping drivers is not always about paying the most. Trucking HR Canada’s research demonstrates that millennials place a high value on things like

flexible work arrangements and more time off. Being accommodating and innovative in benefits and other areas can be just as important as wages.

2. It’s built for your workforce

Do you know the average age of your drivers? How many of them plan to retire? And when? How many different generations are in your workforce? How many different cultures are interacting?

These are important questions, especially as you consider things like succession planning, workplace inclusion strategies, and competitive compensation packages.

Building a culture that values its diversity is critical, and today this is a key factor in employee retention.

Succession planning is another good example. Staying abreast of the key skills and positions that will need replacing means you will be better prepared to recruit, onboard, and train. Remember: it can take years before people are proficient in certain roles. Planning ahead can mean a smoother transition that better supports business success. Make sure your HR plan is in sync with your workforce demographics.

3. It promotes collaboration

The need for collaboration in the workplace is nothing new, but it’s increasingly important in our globally and digitally connected world.

A collaborative work environment fosters strong connections among staff and has positive impacts on employee engagement.

And an engaged workforce is a happy one.

Review how your HR plan encourages collaboration among teams with a range of skills and skill levels. Pairing workers with varied backgrounds invites fresh ideas, increases the probability of reaching a diverse audience, and is good for business.

There was a time when an HR plan was just a set of procedures in a binder that sat on a shelf until a moment of indecision or crisis. Today, the modern HR plan is a living document that should be shared and revised on a regular basis.

Your company doesn’t sit still, and your present and future workers certainly don’t. Revisiting your HR plan and aligning it with your business plan and the needs of your workforce can help you make sure everyone is moving in the right direction.

Why We Need Women with Drive

February 14, 2019 by Angela Splinter


The numbers don’t lie. The representation of women in the trucking and logistics industry remains well below their representation in Canada’s workforce as a whole.

Just 3% of truck drivers are women. 11% of the industry’s administrators are women. 18% of dispatchers are women.

With women comprising 48% of Canada’s labor force, clearly we need to up our game.

If these numbers aren’t enough to convince you, I’ve got more.

We recently surveyed 2,000 millennials across Canada to gauge their perceptions of the industry and whether they’d consider it for their profession. The good news is that there is a cohort interested in working in trucking. The not-so-good? Half of those interested think trucking is a job “for men only.”

We need to do a better of job of communicating that the trucking and logistics industry offers numerous career opportunities for women. We cannot afford to overlook close to half the potential workforce when there is such an urgent need for drivers, dispatchers, managers, and more diversity in our workforce.

For this kind of change to happen, we need to take a good look at our workplace practices, policies, and approaches to recruiting, training, and retention.

We need managers to lead by example. We need inclusive workplaces. We need women to see the economic opportunities we offer. We need to ensure we retain women by offering networking and mentorship opportunities. We need to invest in their professional development. We need to ensure we provide safe and respectful work environments.

We need to do more.

This year will mark the 5th anniversary of our Women with Drive leadership summit. Inspired by our theme of “driving towards a modern workforce,” we have a lineup of speakers that will motivate and educate.

Rona Ambrose, the former leader of Canada’s Official Opposition in the House of Commons, and the former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, will open the day, followed by a female-led discussion on the impact of new technologies in the industry. David Coletto from Abacus data will share even more insights on that millennial research I keep talking about. And, to ensure that everyone leaves with practical ideas, our new learning highway will provide a series of speed-learning opportunities including an employment lawyer discussing workplace policies; the Women Building Futures driver training program; Labour Canada talking about upcoming Canada Labour Code changes; the Ontario Trucking Association’s “Next Gen” program; best practices from our own Top Fleet Employers; workplace wellness strategies; and more.

At a time when the industry is struggling to attract, recruit, and retain the next generation of Canadian workers, we need to ensure we get the message out that trucking and logistics welcomes everyone.

We all need to be a part of this important conversation, and you can have your say by joining us for Women with Drive on March 7th at the Sheraton Toronto Airport Convention Centre. To learn more, visit: https://truckinghr.com/WWD19.